[this week]

Justus got baptized on Sunday!

and I grabbed my good lookin bro for a photo :)

this little girl had the sweetest curly little blonde locks you've ever seen, it was adorable :)

Hosanna :) She looks so sweet in this :)

we went to see fireworks on the third :)

Multiple exposure fun :)

different tones.

I went over to help my neighbor ice some cookies for a wedding anniversary party (the same neighbor that made my graduation cookies) I didn't get to quite finish it cause I had to run off to watch my workshop on CreativeLive....but aren't the cookies awesome?!?! I was really discouraged at first, because my first cookie looked horrendous, but I got really excited afterwards b/c my second cookie was SO much better, and this, my third, was even better! The learning curve is so big, it was awesome :)


  1. John has some serious gorgeous locks. And Hosanna, ah, so cute! I like the bokeh fireworks. Also, too lazy to comment on the other post, I love the beach themed wedding decor.


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