more puppyness

<3 pure happiness.

member the pyre puppies I posted about a few weeks ago? This is one of them!! They've grown so much :)

the border collie pups at this age are just too cute for words :)

GLOMP. haha:)

the ducklings :) In Sam's words, they were totes cute, presh, and adorbs until they pooped on her shirt, heh.

Micah: "I could be *uuuhh* more comfortable right now....." Haha.


  1. PUPPIES AND DUCKLINGS AND CUTENESS, OH MY. Haha, these are all too precious. And Shaina, good gravy, that new camera is so exactly what you needed. You are improving so much. I am going to make a meet-up happen while you're in VA.


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