[time doesn't stand still..... ]

even when my blog does. Heh. One could even venture to say, 'ESPECIALLY when my blog does.' I have a lot of things that I'm thinking about but...no time to sit down and actually write about them.

beautiful rosey sunset.
Haha, my pig leaf creation. I'm very proud.
my cookie monster shirt!! I saw a five-six yr old boy wearing it in walmart today, it was adorable :D

making my first batch of kombucha!! It came out well :)
my weids :)

first day of school! they kept making silly faces, so I tricked them by taking the photo on two, haha. Unfortunately Mikey wasn't looking at the camera.

made a friend whilst waiting in the car today :)

Joey's new glasses. anndd.....

the kid's "end of first day of school" faces.



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